Danger ahead; political gridlock The election of Barack Obama to serve as president of these “divided” States for another four years has not provided a strong bridge over the economic chasm toward which we are heading. And the chasm is … Continue reading
Tag Archives: political situation
In eleven months our country is going to engage in another national election to select our president and congressional managers. Right now the republican party is engaged in a series of primary elections to determine who will be its nomination … Continue reading
Before we jump first-hand into the topic of balancing budgets, here is a good analogy for the scene that many people in the world today are seeing as they look around them. You are in a very high class restaurant … Continue reading
Where can one find a dose of love in today’s words? There is certainly a lot of talk in our public and private channels of communication since the tragedy in Arizona about the need to “tone down” our political rhetoric … Continue reading
In light of the tragic assault upon several government officials and citizens yesterday (1/8/11) in Tucson, AZ, I’m wondering if we can look to the future with much hope. There is a lot of talk going on regarding the causes … Continue reading