Danger Ahead Bridge Out

Danger ahead; political gridlock The election of Barack Obama to serve as president of these “divided” States for another four years has not provided a strong bridge over the economic chasm toward which we are heading. And the chasm is … Continue reading

Political hope

In eleven months our country is going to engage in another national election to select our president and congressional managers. Right now the republican party is engaged in a series of primary elections to determine who will be its nomination … Continue reading

A dose of love

Where can one find a dose of love in today’s words? There is certainly a lot of talk in our public and private channels of communication since the tragedy in Arizona about the need to “tone down” our political rhetoric … Continue reading


In light of the tragic assault upon several government officials and citizens yesterday (1/8/11) in Tucson, AZ, I’m wondering if we can look to the future with much hope. There is a lot of talk going on regarding the causes … Continue reading