Gun control

Why control guns? Because of the horrific murder of 27 people in Newtown, CNN. our politicians and legislators and other public officials are now considering how they can control access to guns in a way that will restrict their use … Continue reading

A divided America

The recent and ongoing debate regarding the debt ceiling and how to handle the persistent serious economic problems facing Americans has clearly proven that there is a divided America. The language of the debates refers to this divide and the … Continue reading

A good revolution

The people of Egypt are engaged in a revolution to make some major changes in their government, that is in how the business of their civic lives is managed. But is it a good revolution?It is a noble cause to … Continue reading


In light of the tragic assault upon several government officials and citizens yesterday (1/8/11) in Tucson, AZ, I’m wondering if we can look to the future with much hope. There is a lot of talk going on regarding the causes … Continue reading

A good king

What makes a good king? Let’s pretend that you have become king of a vast domain with millions of people under your rule and lots of natural resources available to you and your subjects. You have absolute authority to make … Continue reading


If diplomats didn’t lie to their own people and insult each other and their contrary associates in “private”, then the publishing of these “classified” documents by WikiLeaks wouldn’t get much attention or there wouldn’t be many such “secrets” to publish. … Continue reading

Good Health Care

Good health care is not a personal right. It is a parent’s responsibility. Parents everywhere have the initial and basic responsibility to care for the infant(s) to which they give birth. If they have insurance to help with the costs … Continue reading