It is really too bad that so much of the “stuff” that we have seems to be in need of repairs.
This includes repairs to the “American dream” …
… which is the objective of our approaching presidential national election in November. But in the meantime our government is engaged in projects to repair sections of old roads and bridges in selected spots throughout the country, and ongoing efforts to repair our health care systems, the housing business, our job markets, banking, our military services, our schools, and other related and basic enterprises of our “aging” American system of living.
One very important factor in getting repairs made to our various systems is the cost of such repairs. I’m sure that most of you recognize this problem from having to pay for “repairs” to your body or that of a “loved” one, or repairs to your “old” home or the “old” cars that you are forced to continue to drive because you can’t afford a “new” one. Some insurance policies can be purchased to help to cover some of the costs of necessary repairs to our broken “stuff” and even to our bodies, but these policies are themselves costly and they are not always completely perfect in their payments. I’m very thankful for several insurance policies that I and my wife have that have enabled us to recover some of the expenses of extensive medical treatments and repairs to our home, but we Americans don’t seem to have all of the appropriate financial plans in place that will enable us to fund the “repairs” that we now see as being necessary to save our country from possibly collapsing in economic and civic ruin. And it is not always wise to pay for some “repairs” with personal funds secured through credit cards or governmental financial systems of “bailouts” or loans.
What do you think we Americans need to do to “repair” our American “house”, to restore the “American dream” and our systems for living together to a state of practical effectiveness and vitality? There seems to be a general consensus that Washington is “broke”, but there certainly isn’t much agreement among Americans regarding the specific things that need to be done to make the necessary “repairs”. Let’s talk about this.
Without getting too political (I am very conservative) I think the first step is to replace most of the parts, government is made of people and surely we can find better leaders than what we have now. Then we need to put term limits in place so that the “worn out parts” are upgraded often.