Good sense

What it is

Good sense is the ability to recognize what is important in your life and how to get it. It is a quality of acquired knowledge and practical decisions that enable you to avoid making decisions in your daily life that would subject you to consequences that would harm your body, spirit, or soul for a period of time or even forever. Good sense is the acquired ability to make personal choices in your daily life that will enable you to be safe from permanent harm and comfortable in any situation in which you find yourself. Since it is your thoughts that determine that focus of your decisions and your will that enables you to make personal choices, good sense is a quality of your stored mental body of knowledge and your committed pattern of behavior. It is a basic factor in your total personal identity and not just a set of good habits.

How you get it

Your parents, as they are committed to your welfare, will try to teach you some of the basic principles of good sense that they hope you will apply to your personal choices as you become more independent in your personal life, but their efforts will be conditioned by your personal thoughts and will. Some of the principles for good health physically and mentally that you may learn in school or from books will be principles of good sense, but they will only get applied to your thoughts and decisions as you accept their authority in your life. In accord with your freedom to make personal decisions in your life, you will always have the ability to reject the wise and loving guidance of your parents, your psychologist, your doctor, or other teachers or your pastor regarding the personal standards that you are going to apply to your personal decision. No one will or can prevent you from being foolish in some of your personal choices as you grow up. It is evident now that there are some powerful authorities who are committed to indoctrinating everyone and particularly the young generation with their particular agenda for the acquiring of what they want for their safety and comforts in life. They will use the authority of civil laws and public curriculum to establish and to maintain their selfish agendas, and their authority is not easily apposed or overcome, because their agendas are often very popular with many adults and youth and choosing children. The standards for your choices that should be applied in accord with your good sense are very different from those that you might apply from the popular authorities in the culture in which you live.

The best source for good sense

Since it is evident that acquiring the ability to act in accord with the principles of good sense in your life is a process of learned behavior in making personal choices, it is well for you to be careful in regard to whom you choose as your basic teacher for how you should seek to live in this world. It is the authority of that teacher that you accept for your personal decisions in the course of your life that will determine your basic personal daily and eternal experiences. Basically you have three options for your choice of this basic teacher: yourself, Satan, or God. You may think that another human being could be wise enough to serve as your basic teacher, but he or she will have the same limitations on his or her ability to learn the principles of good sense and how to apply them as you do. So choosing another human being as your basic teacher is not going to enable you to acquire a dependable level of good sense in your personal choices. You have to go outside the realm of human teaching authorities to find one that has the ability to influence you outside of the realms of human knowledge and willful choices. Satan and God are the only super-human beings who have that power to influence your personal choices in your life. Each of them want to attract the devotion of your personal willful choices to them and their agendas for your personal spirit and soul after your body has passed away or been changed for your personal state of existence in eternity beyond the time dimensions of this world. Satan’s agenda for you is to bring you into his realm of active battle with God for personal rule over all that exists in the spiritual realm of heaven and the physical realm of the universe. That agenda is basically marked as being “evil”, and will subject you to eternal personal suffering apart from God. God’s agenda through His influence in your life through His Spirit is to bring you into a personal relationship with Him that will be marked with freedom from harmful and uncomfortable experiences and be filled with His quality of peace and joy and security in the Kingdom of God. That agenda is basically marked as being “good”.

It was the knowledge of these two realms of authority and their different agendas that God wanted His two initial human beings, Adam and Eve, to avoid acquiring for their personal human hearts of wants and minds of wills in the “garden” where He had placed them. He gave them this specific commandment: “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:16-17). In giving Adam and Eve this specific commandment regarding how they should use their freedom to make personal choices in the environment where God had placed them, He was instructing them to refrain from seeking the “knowledge of good and evil” for themselves but to trust Him to personally guide them in their particular choices regarding what they should decide to consume or otherwise do in the presence of so many options in His “garden”. Trusting God and His Spirit for guidance in these choices is really good sense, because God is really the only being who really knows what is “good” for the human beings that He created and whose agenda it is to give it all to them as they accept His authority over their personal lives with their devoting trust.

If you would be interested in reading a more complete biblical historic record of this matter, you can check out this statement on the website of which this blog is a part: Note the specific list of individuals who have benefited from God’s good sense in their lives and ministries.

Let’s talk about this

When in your daily experiences have you become aware of the influence of good sense in the choice that you were making? What do your credit as the authority for that influence in your choice? How did you come to accept that authority in your life? How would you evaluate your use of good sense in your life?


Good sense — 1 Comment

  1. Wow! I must commend, this is really a positive impact and am glad to partake of it. GOOD SENSE is very necessary in the life of every individual as it will help to fetch out those egregious choices and get rid of them before it will do other wise.
    Satan’s agenda is basically marked “evil” because it will subject us to so many negative choices that are harmful and destructive BUT God’s agenda is marked as “good” as it will bring peace and everlasting happiness.

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