Good balance

In what

I am learning from the treatments that I am getting from my Physical Therapist for a dislocated pelvic and spinal joints that I suffered from in an accident in 1945 that in order to stand up and walk normally there has to be a good functioning experience of balance or coordination between the muscles and nerves in my lower back, the lung’s supply of oxygen into my blood stream, the operation of my heart to power every organ in my body, and the center for the balance for the position of my body in my inner ear and brain. This need for balance is evident in every operation of our body’s organs and their nerves and muscles and connecting tissues and our thoughts that control what we choose to do with our body which determines what we experience moment by moment in our daily lives. Any injury or disease in any part of the body can affect a good balanced coordinated operation of the whole body. Everyone who is sick or injured functions differently than they do when they are normally healthy, and everyone who seeks to treat or relate to them in a personal and direct way must also do it in a different way than they would with a person who was in their normal state of bodily functions.

There also has to be a good balance between the moods that affect our thoughts and our feelings or emotions in order for us to make choices that will ultimately give us good healthy experiences. The presence of “bad” or “negative” or dangerously destructive or harmful thoughts or moods in our hearts and minds will hamper us all in our efforts to make good wise and positively healthy well-balanced choices in our daily lives. No one can make good decisions when they are in a bad mood. Moods of anger or bitterness or hate or jealousy or revenge or condemnation or prejudice or fear or worry can lead any of us to make unhealthy foolish choices in our daily lives. Paul advices us all to focus our thoughts on what is “true”, “just”, “pure”, “lovely”, “commendable”, or “worthy of praise” if we want to experience the “peace” of God in our bodies (see Philippians 4:8-9). Such thoughts will establish a good balance in our lives.

There also has to be a good balance between the social, medical, financial, and spiritual authorities in our cultures who control all of what happens in our lives from the personal choices that we make each moment of every day. These authorities are such individuals as our parents or our bosses or our lawyers or our friends or our doctor or our banker or our pastor or our priest. The rules that they each establish for the operation of their authority in the various cultures in which they serve have a direct bearing on the choices that each of the residents in their realm of authority can and should make in their daily life. The level of your bank account and credit rating and personal income is going to affect what you can afford to do at any point in your life. The physical condition of your body and the availability for its care will affect what you can physically do at any point or in your life. The rules of your parents and civic lawyers and personal bosses have a direct bearing on what you can socially do in the culture in which you live. And the rules that your pastor or priest or faith or gods or God proscribe for you should affect all of the choices that you personally make every day where you live, because these choices will determine the eternal destiny of your soul, either with God in a place of joy and peace or in Hell separated from Him in a place of personal pain and loneliness without any hope for any relieving changes. The choices that you make for whom you choose to hang out with or to live with in your days, and whom you choose to trust and to respect for wise and loving guidance every day, and what you personally actually decide to do in the moments of your life must be in good balance with every controlling and influencing factor in your body, mind, and cultural situation for you to have a good and satisfying life of “joy” and “peace” (see Galatians 5:22) in this world.


There are obviously a lot of different personal and cultural and authoritative factors in these realms of influence in our minds as we each choose how to function moment by moment in our daily lives. Each of us must develop and implement a way of thinking and acting that will establish and maintain a system for good balance or coordination of all of these factors in our lives if we are each going to experience a life of fulling joy and peace in this would. We must each of us learn how to love one another in spite of our differences. We must learn how to give and to share with each other in spite of our selfish desires. We must learn how to be kind and forgiving and humble and wise in our personal relationships. We must learn to move forward in our lives with thoughts and actions that are more positive and good rather than those that are negative and destructive in their abilities to lead us to a fulfilling life. God has designed all of the elements that are active in our living situations to be basically good for each of us in our daily lives. He has given each of us the individual freedom to choose how we want to think and to act in accord with our own will power, and good balance in these functions will bring each of us fulfilling experiences of God’s joy and peace in our lives.

Let’s talk about this

How do you regard the importance of the various factors and authorities that influence our individual personal choices every day? How do you seek to maintain a good balance between them in your life? What about this process do you find to be most difficult? What causes that difficulty? How are you going to function to improve your experience of good balance in your life? Let’s talk about this.


Good balance — 2 Comments

  1. It sounds like you’ve gained a deep understanding of the importance of balance in both physical health and emotional well-being through your experiences. The connection between our body’s functions and our mental state is indeed profound. As you mentioned, when any part of our body is out of balance, it can affect our overall functioning. Your insights into how moods influence our decision-making are also very important; it’s true that negative emotions can cloud our judgment and lead to unhealthy choices. Focusing on positive and uplifting thoughts can help us navigate through life more effectively. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences; they are truly valuable Bob

    • Linda, thank you for your words of appreciate for my Post. I look forward to learning how my words have made a “valuable” difference in your life. Your testimony will be an important part of my heavenly treasure. God is blessing each of us as we share His love with one another and our “neighbors”. Bob1

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