Ban boxing?

Ban boxing? Helmet to helmet hitting between football players apparently may cause them to suffer concussions, so it has been banned from the sport. Even the wisdom of head to ball striking in women’s soccer games is being questioned, because … Continue reading


Pornography is not a display of people making love, because love is not made through the physical stimulation of one’s genitals. Love is a shared experience between people whose spirits are bound together by ongoing commitments for caring, support, encouragement, … Continue reading


The bullying behavior of some kids in some schools in some communities of our country has become a major issue of concern for many school and community leaders. Many school officials, teachers, parents, and other groups of people are discussing … Continue reading

A good self image

Everyone needs to feel good about themselves. But such feelings are not acquired automatically. They begin to be felt as a growing child develops a sense of his or her place as an individual in the social structure of a … Continue reading