This is a brief post to generate discussion regarding the nature and value of many religious online statements.
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In this post I again want to make a point about “news”, which is that it is “good” when it is a published or broadcasted statement that is factually true and objective in the style of its content. As I … Continue reading
Im sur tht u can rd ths prbly becs u r mor acostm 2 spking thn 2 wrtng bt I wld prbly hav sum trbl mkg my pont if I cont vry lng in ths styl of dscorse. Spoken discourse … Continue reading
Thanks for your interest in my website and blog that are indicated by the Awstats regarding its viewers for 2016. Let’s talk about your particular interests and concerns with which I might help you.
Continue readingYou current situation Once that you “grow up”, leave home, and get out on your own, you begin to realize that it might be well to see what you can do to improve your potential in life. You may understand … Continue reading
Shopping in a local familiar market for “stuff” with which you are very familiar may be very easy, but shopping online or on the internet may be very difficult.
Continue readingWhat do you think of the current quality of “news” that is currently being reported every day in the public “news” channels in the United States? If you are like many citizens, you may have some concerns regarding the objectivity … Continue reading