A good website

Basic features

A good website provides its internet viewers with these details:

  1. A profile that cites who you are in regard to your personal identifying features: legal name and nick name, gender (male or female), year of your birth, birth place, marital status, current country of residency, basic language, race, religious preference, and perhaps a good head-shoulder photograph
  2. Education
  3. Basic work experience and skills
  4. What you have to offer to your interested viewers, its costs, and how they can get it
  5. How you may be contacted for further information and personal help


Edit these details and arrange their display in your website so that everything taken together in the content of your website states a clear and friendly message of invitation to your viewers regarding how you would like for them to respond to you and what you have to share with them. You can be clear and complete in your message without it being perceived as being too aggressive or in some way insulting. Answering all of their anticipated questions about you and your material in a polite and clear message should enable you to avoid any real negative responses.

Design and Style of your displayed website

You may pay for the services of a company who can offer you a basic template that would be suitable for the display of the content and its particular features of your website on the internet. If you choose to use such a service, they would have their technicians available to help you with the various options that they provide for your material. Or you can choose to create your own set of files for the display of your website. These would include the basic CSS file of codes that would determine how each specific element would be displayed in the basic blocks that you have set up for the display of your material on the pages of your site. These blocks would include one for the Header that displays the basic subject of your website, a block for links that take your viewers to specific elements of your content, a block for the display of those selected elements, and a Footer block that would include closing details regarding your message. Then you would need PHP files for the display of each particular Page of content. The actual content would be set in HTML files that would be displayed in accord with the CSS codes and those in your PHP files. You can get printed guides that can instruct you in the development of these different coding languages. Once you get the basic CSS and PHP files set up, it is easy to use a WordPress editor to configure the file of code for each new or revised Page in your website.


A good website gives viewers on the internet the basic address of your Home base of operation, who you are, and what you have to offer them from your personal years of training and experience in this world. What you have to offer should be helpful for anyone regardless of where they live. Factors of gender and marital status and age would normally affect how individuals would use your material and your personal advice, but the content of your website should basically be global and practical in its use by your viewers.

Let’s talk about this

Let me know if you have any questions about my perspective regarding a good website and its creation. I do not claim to be an expert in this matter, and I have created a website that has attracted some followers on the internet. I would be glad to discuss your questions and comment with you in this blog about a good website.


A good website — 1 Comment

  1. Building a good website has many challenges.
    Much of it depends on the target audience and the objectives of the site.

    Providing a lot of personal details about ones identity will invite scams, spam and thieves to steal your identity. I would not recommend it. Having a contact us page is fine and sharing further details after one builds some trust as in a friendship will take time. Many times it is difficult or impossible to build trust solely online.

    In the end a good website is one that achieves its goals measured in various metrics and results. Making adjustments and measuring their impact takes skills, analysis and accurate tracking over time.

    Components of a website are important to work in multiple browsers and devices. Making this work is not trivial. Most browsers these days also require SSL certificates otherwise people will not bother looking at them after getting a warning about an unsafe site.

    Using CSS PHp and HTML is one technique. There are numerous others that also work well. Many times simple is best as more complexity breeds more problems.

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