A good idea

What is it

A good idea is a thought that includes a motivating action to implement it for an anticipated personal benefit for its actor. That benefit may be one that is anticipated as being positively beneficial for the actor himself or herself. That would make it somewhat selfish. The anticipated benefit would be better if the choice to implement it included someone else other than the actor in it. It would be better if that person was the spouse of the actor, another relative of the actor, a particular friend of the actor, a neighbor of the actor, an associate of the actor, or just a person that the actor has spotted who needs some help to function effectively in his or her personal daily living situation. The anticipated benefit would be best if it included a benefit to the actor’s personal relationship with God.

How to cultivate a good idea

Make sure that the specific idea is clearly identified in its citation in your mind and that its anticipated benefit is to be directly applied to a specific person in your life and not general group of individuals. It will be very difficult to get the benefit of your thoughtful choice to be applied directly to a general group of people, like all of your relatives or friends or neighbors or associates. Each of them will be different individuals with particular personal needs that could not be well met by a single dose of positive benefits. I believe that only Satan or God have the power to effectively influence a group of individuals with their sets of preferred benefits or blessings. In most cases the idea for a particular course of action to establish and to maintain its intended benefits to a specific group of individuals will be given by God to a particular individual like Abraham or Moses or Joshua or Samuel or David or Isaiah or Amos or Peter or Paul or by Satan to a self-serving individual like Saul or Judas or a materialistic idol worshiper like Solomon.

Make sure that the idea in your mind with its anticipated benefit for a specific person has been directly approved by God for you as its actor to have God activate it through His Spirit in your role of personal service for God’s glory in this world. Your ideas are part of your called role of service as you share with God in His authority over the creatures of this world (Genesis 1:26-28). Make sure in your prayerful effort to implement a good idea with its particular benefit and assignment that it has been anointed in your mind by God and that it is not just a personal idea and project that you have generated in your personal efforts to help others for your own glory and not that of God’s. This is in keeping with Paul’s instructive guidance to disciples like us that we need to “guard” our “hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” and think about those ideas that are “true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable …think about these things” (Philippians 4:7-8) rather than the “things of the flesh” (Romans 8:5). God will never anoint an idea with its intended course of action with His transforming power and love that comes from our selfish “flesh” rather than from our redeemed and renewed hearts and minds that have been “set free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2).

Let’s talk about this

So what good idea have you conceived in your mind that you would like to implement in your life? What makes it “good”? How could it be improved? Has it been anointed by God for implementation by Him in your life? What personal benefit are you hoping to experience from this good idea? As you think about developing a good idea for implementation in your life, give your attention to this message in this site:


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