Good therapy

What it is

Good therapy is the application of physical, medical, and spiritual treatments for the relief of those who are suffering from an injury or illness or spiritual disability. Such treatments would including the use of physical activity, the administration of appropriate drugs, and the use of such spiritual disciplines such as prayer and Bible reading and spiritual counseling by a trained Christian therapist. These treatments would be designed to provide relief from the physical pain of the person’s affliction, the mental stress of his or her disability, and to enable the person’s body to return to its normal condition of good functional physical and spiritual health. The therapy would be continued until the patient’s physical and mental and spiritual condition has been sufficiently improved to the point that the patient is feeling well enough to manage his or her daily activities and responsibilities without feeling an abnormal level of physical discomfort or mental stress or spiritual hopelessness.

Its ongoing personal necessity

One’s physical body has been basically designed to be functionally healthy, although some disabilities and sensitivities to harmful items may be inherited and require regular care to prevent serious harm from them. God’s initial design for human beings was for them to personally exist in the world where He had placed them in personal relationships with Him that would provide them with what would be “good” for them physically and spiritually and would enable Him to protect them from any “evil” or harmful elements that could destroy them. But this relationship of loving care was broken and severely corrupted by the initial choices of Adam and Eve, God’s initial human beings, to disobey God’s commandment to not seek “the knowledge of good and evil” for themselves, but to trust Him for His care in regard to these matters in their existence. So all humans beings have inherited the deadly spiritual disease of “sin” that hampers their personal relationship of loving care and health from God their creator. And they may not be sufficiently motivated to consistently practice the necessary physical and dietary activities of exercise and balanced nutritional meals along with daily periods of refreshing sleep and positive mental attitudes to keep them healthy and totally free from the germs and other causes of sickness and stress that hamper their normal conditions of functional health. There are too many “enemies” of good physical and mental and spiritual health present in the human situation to make the maintenance of good health an easy process of personal management.

My recent experience with good therapy

I recently experienced some very helpful sessions of good therapy that saved my life from the possible deadly effects of a blood clot in my lung, the stress of my poor physical condition, and the spiritual crisis of my selfish choices in my daily life. Physical and occupational sessions of therapy have enabled me to improve my ability to move around without extreme pain in my joints, medicine has opened up my lungs to the proper flow of air and blood through them, and some spiritual guidance from a Christian guide has enabled me to experience God’s forgiving grace and transforming love in my life as I dedicate more of myself to Him in my personal choices. I am very thankful for the good care that I received in the hospital, the ongoing care of therapists who came to our home to continue to help me to improve my health, and the prayers and words of spiritual guidance and encouragement that have been expressed for my welfare by fellow Christian servants and friends. How have you experienced good therapy in episodes of physical and mental and spiritual crisis in your daily life? Let us talk about this. Your experiences may help some of the readers of this Post in my Blog. Good therapy is designed to produce the benefits of good physical, mental, and spiritual health in us human beings who live on this battlefield in which we are frequently engaged with powerful “enemies” who are constantly seeking to destroy us or to inflict us with physical, mental, and spiritual conditions that will hamper our efforts to function as healthy individuals in this world. Let us talk about this.