Good news

Are you as tired as I am of all of the bad news that appears everyday in the public media? Acts of violence are immediately reported on national TV channels even as they are being investigated and before all of the necessary facts can be assembled regarding what actually happened. And the causes of such acts are discussed and discussed again by a collection of “experts” who are not aware of all of the facts. And the reports of “eye witnesses” from individuals who are eager to be interviewed and to give their versions of what happened doesn’t often add any clarifying facts to the news.

Citizens and politicians in many countries engage in sometimes heated discussions and sometimes violent protests as they seek to establish their respective wills upon the people. And sometimes their efforts are not in keeping with the established laws of the land. And the powerful “liars” are seldom prosecuted for their untrue statements and fraudulent behavior. And too many “news” merchants continue to publish their “homogenized” versions of what is happening in their lands in accord with what is going to protect and maintain their financial and political benefits. And some of these “merchants” don’t even pretend to believe in the values of “free speech” for their citizens or “objective reporting” for their journalists. And so the media is filled each day with the ongoing stories of civil wars and violent protests and various “movements” of groups of people to something that is “good” in their lives.

So many basic problems in the lives of individuals in many countries of our world are not getting fixed because those who are “in charge” are not wise enough or compassionate enough or courageous enough to make the necessary changes in the living situations of their people.

What “good news” do you have to report today? What “good” benefits of anyone’s actions have your received or witnessed today? What factual evidence can you cite that would indicate that some of the basic problems that individuals in many places in our world are facing every day are being fixed or even have some hope of being fixed very soon? Let’s talk about this.

A good revolution

The people of Egypt are engaged in a revolution to make some major changes in their government, that is in how the business of their civic lives is managed. But is it a good revolution?It is a noble cause to … Continue reading

A good king

What makes a good king? Let’s pretend that you have become king of a vast domain with millions of people under your rule and lots of natural resources available to you and your subjects. You have absolute authority to make … Continue reading

Common sense?

In light of what Congress is doing in our country, the current economic crisis that we all are facing, and the approaching elections, it would be well for us to take a look at some of the benefits of common … Continue reading