Feeling good is OK It is OK to want to feel good. Your body was designed to operate in ways that enable you to feel good. All of your organs were created to work together in harmony and in coordinated … Continue reading
Tag Archives: life style factors
Becoming program dependent The constant expansion and improvement of various devices for the communication of messages and the gathering and manipulation of bits of information from around the world is mind boggling. My son, who is a professional computer consultant, … Continue reading
In any civilized society where they are clear significant differences between individuals in regard to their ethnic nature, race, religious affiliations, political philosophy, economic level, and education it is good to have a system of laws in place that encourages … Continue reading
Bristol Palin received a lot of support and credit for the progress that she made in her ability to freely express herself on the stage of dancing with the stars during this year’s contest. But was it good personal freedom … Continue reading
I think that most of us would agree that a good night’s sleep is a blessing. When we can awake refreshed and ready for another day, that is a good feeling. Although daily sleep and rest is a natural function … Continue reading
It is a good educational experience to watch the birds feed at the feeders in our yard. They seem to know what is good to eat and what isn’t. They won’t eat some seed that has apparently spoiled in the … Continue reading
Nowadays, everyone seems to be in a rush to get their Christmas purchases done. The holiday push to get people to shop and to buy the numerous gifts that they have for people on their lists is on. It used … Continue reading