Merry Christmas


I know that this expression may offend some individuals, but I
believe that “Merry Christmas” is a very appropriate expression of good will and love between relatives and friends that will usually be well received. Although the celebration of Christ’s birth is not an initial Christian festival that was implemented and handed down to following Christian by the apostles, it is still a legitimate time to share his love with others.

Real gifts

The most precious and priceless gifts that you can share with those whom you love cannot be bought online or at the local shopping mall. They are not technical devices or toys for one’s entertainment or even communication processes. The most precious and priceless gift that you can give to anyone is your personal assurance that you really care for them and that you are always available to them for your loving attention and care. Giving individuals what they “want” is never as loving as giving them what they “need”, which is usually much more valuable and special and endurable.

An offer to “help” someone with a current problem, is a special gift. A word of “encouragement” and understanding to a relative or friend who is struggling with a problem that you cannot remove is priceless. A simple expression of “I’m sorry” or “thank you” as an appropriate personal expression of understanding and caring in a situation is a gift that is well received anytime. Forgiveness between individuals is such a basic need that is so seldom met that many individuals are really personally crying daily within their emotional hearts for such a gift from those with whom they are suppose to be close.

A personal and sincere expression of unconditional love is the most precious and priceless gift that you can give to anyone, during the Christmas season or any day of the year. And its expression and reception will truly be an occasion for merriness, joy, and celebration. And such gifts will really glorify Jesus Christ, whose birth into our world where he gave us his broken body and shed blood to redeem us from our deadly relationship with God and where he demonstrated his transforming loving power over our enemies, will be your most appropriate expression of a “Merry Christmas” that you can give to any relative or friend this year.

Let’s talk about this

Are you prepared to share such gifts with those you claim to love? Are you personally requesting such gifts from your relatives and friends? Or are you just going through the “motions” of this annual holiday season exchanging a lot of trinkets with others while pretending that they are somehow “special” expressions of your love?

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