Good health

Your situation

You are alive and you are either enjoying the benefits of your good healthy body or you are wondering why you get sick and tired so often. The vitality of young bodies is great, and it is exciting to experience and to develop new physical and mental skills and insights into living in various sports and classes and through your personal relationships. When you are feeling good, your daily life is a pleasing adventure, but when you are sick and tired it is a painful drag.

But your body and your spirit were designed by God who created you and gave you a life in this world that He also created. He has basically supplied you with all of the basic resources that you would ever need to grow up and to engage in fulling experiences of personal expression from the free will to make your own personal choices for what you want to do with your body and mind in the particular place in this world in which you were born. You did not have any choice in that matter or the physical genes that you inherited from your parents. But, as you grow, you have discovered that you do have a lot of options for various personal choices that you can use to bring you the experiences that you desire in your life. And one of these experiences is to enjoy the benefits of a good healthy body.

But in this process of living in this world you have discovered that there are some forces that may cause you to feel physically sick and mentally troubled by their elements and authority in your situation that do not seem to want you to have many pleasant and fulling daily experiences. In your life as a child you depended upon your parents or another adult to take care of you and to give you something that would relieve you from your personal distress. As you become more independent in your personal choices, you search for and employ other professional care-givers to help you to get some relief from your various experiences of physical pain and mental stress that are hampering your pleasant experiences of good health.

Your design for good health

But in this process you may come to realize that God has designed your body and mind with some physical and mental functions that can enhance your experiences of good health even in the midst of any pain and stress that you may experience from time to time. These include a nervous system that warns you of any part of you body or mind that is not functioning for your good health, and organs and chemicals and an internal immune system that are designed to rid your body and mind from any harmful toxic elements or thoughts, like unnecessary fear and worry, about some factors in your current situation over which you have no personal control. But you can choose whom you select to help you in your efforts to get some relief from your current pain and stress and what diet of food and medicine and positive thinking will restore good health to your body and mind.

The process for good health

This process is implemented and maintained by putting the focus of your thoughts on the good resources that God has provided for you. These include the good daily nourishment of food (fruit, vegetables, meat, and herbs) and medicine for the vitality of your body and the peace of your mind from His protective authority over any evil elements that would destroy you. But these choices are not easily made, because the focus of your thoughts is often on the pleasures that this world offers and the selfish driving motives of your heart. They can keep you from consistently experiencing good health in your life apart from your temporary circumstances that may be full of pain and stress. For further guidance in this process see my statement about meditation and feeling good in the Pages of this website.

Let’s talk about this

What do you think about and do when you are sick and tired and you want to experience the benefits of good health again in your daily life? Whom do you seek for caring treatment and guidance to get some relief from your pain and stress? Why do you have any confidence in their ability to help you? What is the difference between the treatment and advise that you would get from anyone in this world and what you would directly and personally get from God? How should you change the focus of your thoughts to enhance your experiences of good health in your daily life? Let’s talk about this.

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