The quality of various factors in a neighborhood have direct effects upon the quality of life for its residents whether it is basically “good” or not.
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Justice is provided to any group of people in a nation and its states and communities when duly elected officials of the people pass and enforce laws that are written to protect their lives and property from abuse or confiscation … Continue reading
Everyone wants to feel safe and to be safe no matter where he or she lives. They especially want to be safe in their home. They particularly want their spouse and children and other family members to also be and … Continue reading
Home is a special place, and of course everyone wants one that is good. But no one has the privilege of choosing the home into which he or she is born. And during the first decade or so of one’s … Continue reading
Good neighbours are priceless friends. He or she or they are people with whom you can talk. They will watch out for your place without being nosy. They are people from whom you can borrow something, if they have it … Continue reading