A Homeschool


Whether or not you have officially established a school in your home, you are operating a homeschool for the next generation of people in your life if you are spending much time with any of them in your home. If they are there with you, they are learning a lot of basic lessons from the adults and others in your home from what you are doing together and saying to each other regardless of whether or not these factors are organized into a curriculum of lessons or even intentional in their teaching objective.

The basic lessons

Early in these children’s experiences in your home, they begin to learn how to express how they are feeling, what they want from their elders, and how to move around in their environment. These are basic communication and mobility skills. While they are learning these skills, they are also learning some basic lessons about how to relate to individuals who are different from themselves. The elders may seek to impose some rules upon the children in regard to how they respond to these lessons, but these children will always be seeking to utilize those skills of communication and behavior that they see as being most effective in communicating their messages and getting what they want. Learning in your homeschool is always done between everyone who participates in the process. These basic lessons of communication skills and behavior with others become so acceptable in their thoughts and habits that they will often influence their attitudes and behavior with others when they are outside of your home and with other individuals who are not usually a part of the social gathering of individuals in your home. These attitudes and behaviors may not be easily changed so they may have their influence upon these trained children throughout their lives. These factors of attitudes and behavior are commonly recognized as qualities of character in the young generation that they learned in the homeschools in which they were raised.

Good homeschools

But, adults who are concerned about the poor quality of personal virtues and relational skills that are being promoted and taught by the teaching authorities in their communities don’t have to just accept such standards for the quality of the homeschools that they want to provide for the next generation of residents in their homes! The Google search service provides an excellent list of resources from well experienced adults who have been able to publish detailed reports of their high quality homeschools in its list on “blog-homeschools”. Interested adults will be able to find much wise guidance for the establishment of such homeschools in these reports. I would also invite adults who are interested in this process to check out the guidance that is provided in this statement on the website that is attached to this Blog: https://www.christianityetc.org/a-good-marriage.php. A good marriage between a man and a women is God’s nest for the training of each generation of children that are brought into this world. God has not revised His standards for that nest!

Making your home into a homeschool that is going to provide the next generation of its residents with a good learning experience of personal virtues for the development of their characters and knowledge and behavioral skills for effectively living in this world of many personal dangerous influences is not easy. The inherited nature of all human beings to prefer their own selfish pleasures and comforts rather than learning how to cooperate with other individuals who will also be seeking to secure their own selfish pleasures and comforts rather than seeking those that would be practically good for everyone is a persistent barrier against learning how to live with others in a loving process of cooperation and maturation in the various schools that life provides in the various cultures for social living and training that large groups of people have accepted as having some authority over this process in their lives and that of subsequent generations of children.

Let’s talk about this

I am not interested in debating God’s marital standards in this Post, but there could be some practical benefits for interested adults to discuss this process here. What do you need to do to make your home into a high quality homeschool for its residents? Whom are you willing to trust for wise and loving guidance in the establishment and ongoing operation of such a homeschool? How are you going to handle and overcome the opposition to such a homeschool by some influential authorities in your community? I will be glad to publish your sincere personal comments regarding homeschools in this Post. This is a very important and timely matter in our world!

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