
In any civilized society where they are clear significant differences between individuals in regard to their ethnic nature, race, religious affiliations, political philosophy, economic level, and education it is good to have a system of laws in place that encourages … Continue reading

Merry Christmas ?

I probably shouldn’t even be expressing this wish for anyone at this season of the year, because it is not “politically correct”. But “happy holidays” or merry christmas doesn’t make much sense to me, because there isn’t much of a … Continue reading


Pornography is not a display of people making love, because love is not made through the physical stimulation of one’s genitals. Love is a shared experience between people whose spirits are bound together by ongoing commitments for caring, support, encouragement, … Continue reading

Being held accountable

Everyone everywhere is being held accountable to some standards of behavior by someone else. It is an absolute necessity for being in any family or other social group, learning in any system of education or training, being effective in any … Continue reading


Before we get to discernment itself, the media recently helped us to note the lives of two different individuals who made a difference in what many of us do and think each day. These were the lives of Steven Jobs … Continue reading


The bullying behavior of some kids in some schools in some communities of our country has become a major issue of concern for many school and community leaders. Many school officials, teachers, parents, and other groups of people are discussing … Continue reading

What is important?

What is important to you? I assume that you are daily engaged in various personal efforts to accomplish and to gain those things and benefits that you recognize as being important to your style of living in this world. As … Continue reading